SGL Carbon Replacement of the company pension plan

Staying connected, even once retired

In 2022, SGL Carbon planned the introduction of a uniform and future-proof company pension plan for all employees in Germany. The new plan was intended to replace multiple existing pension plans and ensure equality for all employees, regardless of starting date.

The goal of the communication campaign was to provide all employees in Germany with in-depth information, and motivate them to provide written confirmation within a relatively short time.

With the Claim ‘Staying connected, even when retired’, Unequity developed a creative Look and Feel for the composite manufacturer SGL Carbon. The communication campaign included digital and analog media. Central to the campaign was a personalized folder with the information, including legal documents and the various forms to be signed, alongside an explanatory brochure. The brochure was designed to raise awareness of the company retirement benefits, and for use beyond the transition period in recruitment to inform new employees of the available benefits.

Unequity worked closely with SGL Carbon’s HR team from planning and design to production and distribution of the various communication materials.

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