Company Pension Scheme
Are company pension schemes old-fashioned and boring? Not at all! Read our article about one of the most important features of working life, and how to make it an attractive benefit.
Are company pension schemes old-fashioned and boring? Not at all! Read our article about one of the most important features of working life, and how to make it an attractive benefit.
Unequity developed an eye-catching communication campaign for SGL Carbon’s new company pension plan.
Long-term accounts and company pension schemes ALTANA AG is a German specialty chemicals company with headquarters in Wesel. The company’s roughly 6,000 employees greatly value ALTANA as a responsible employer. With its comprehensive benefits package, the firm also offers a clear advantage for the future as an attractive organization for its workers. ALTANA AG has … Weiterlesen
In the category “Benefit- and Incentive-Programme” HR Excellence Award for Unequity and McDonald’s Deutschland McBenefit – Life stays beautiful! McDonald’s Deutschland Inc. was planning to introduce a new company pension scheme that offered a range of pension packages and was flexibly adjustable to the personal life situations of its employees. Unequity developed a comprehensive communications … Weiterlesen