Employee participation
Becoming a shareholder is easy – that is the core message of TUI AG’s shares programme communications campaign. In 2017, TUI Group – the world’s leading tourism company – launched the “oneShare” shares programme. For the first time, all employees were given the opportunity of receiving special conditions if they wished to get involved this harmonised programme.
Two tranches were offered in 2017 for the “oneShare” employee shares programme, which was rolled out in 24 countries. The ambitious time schedule before and between the two tranches in 2017 was a massive challenge for everyone involved in the project. After the success of the 2017 launch, a further oneShare offer was made the following year – this time in 25 countries and with even more attractive programme advantages.
Unequity was given the contract to develop a strategic and creative communications concept for the introduction of oneShare as well as for the accompanying implementation of the programme. In 2018 Unequity also received the job of providing multimedia accompaniment for the oneShare 2018 campaign.
One look at the participation numbers and sign-up times clearly show the success of the overall effort. TUI Group received fantastic feedback on the campaign and already has a great number of employees who are now Group shareholders.
Project at a glance
TUI Group
Company Headquarters:
Frankfurt am Main, Germany
Stock Exchange Listing:
Frankfurt Stock Exchange, DAX
Assignment for the agency:
Benefits communication, Employee participation
Target group(s):
Executives and employees in 25 countries
Number of language(s):
GEO Award 2018, Best Use of a Share Plan in a Corporate Action
In the category “Best Use of a Share Plan in a Corporate Action” for Unequity and the TUI Group.
Projects testimonials
In my role as project manager for the international roll-out of TUI's employee share ownership program oneShare, I was supported by Simone and her Unequity team: This was a global project with many new developments for our organization.
Unequity took over the strategic and creative conception of the communication campaign and the operational realization and implementation. I particularly appreciated the detailed and holistic approach. In a project roll-out of this size, communication is enormously important.
In addition to the actual campaign development, Unequity set up the complete project plan, and planned and developed the content of all communication media – from a simple info email to the intranet presence, from the mandatory brochure to display stands and other creative ideas for the international roadshow. The logistical effort involved was enormous – even just translating all the materials into eight languages was challenging.
Thanks to the excellent planning and preparation, and the cool heads of the project team when something did not go according to plan, the roll-out of oneShare was a complete success. The cooperation during the project was highly professional and friendly in equal measure. Despite the stress, we laughed a lot.Anica Mathieu, TUI AG, Senior Project Manager (Group HR)
Simone and the entire Unequity team were a real added value while planning and communicating the TUI Group first global employee share purchase plan, oneShare.
Unequity stands for creativity, customer orientation and competence. Throughout the three years of cooperation and the several twists and turns the project took, I knew I could always count on Simone and her team's robust, prompt, and reliable support.
We successfully rolled out multimedia communications in 15+ languages and 25 countries across the globe on a tight agenda, with Simone's team coordinating the inputs from several suppliers, delivering quality material virtually always on time, and at times even supporting the core project team in internal coordination workshops, calls and meetings.
On top of that, Simone is really fun to work with. If you are looking for an expert and passionate C&B communicator, you don't need to look any further.Daniele Casciaro, formerly TUI AG, Project Manager (Group HR)
What can we do for you?
If you are looking for a reliable partner, get in touch with us.
As a creative communications agency with expertise in consulting in the HR sector — also known as People & Culture, Development, or Organization — we have been delivering professional internal communication for global companies since 2011. We specialize in the communication of Total Rewards.
Using effective communication strategies, creative media, and clear and captivating content, we manage projects and campaigns with a lasting impact — motivated, loyal employees and successful organizations.

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