AIDA – A decisive factor for internal communication and HR
AIDA (Attention/Interest/Desire/Action) can be decisive for internal communication and HR. Read on to explore the concept of AIDA, and discover how it works in real life.
AIDA (Attention/Interest/Desire/Action) can be decisive for internal communication and HR. Read on to explore the concept of AIDA, and discover how it works in real life.
As communications experts, language is part of our daily business. We should like to share some thoughts for reflection on how language is changing, and the importance clarity of terminology.
User Experience and Employee Experience are at the heart of human-centered communication for business success.
Equity Culture in Germany – Investing in the stock market is often approached with too much emotion, and too little knowledge, leading to a negative investment mindset. Excellent communication campaigns can help to create a positive equity culture that power attractive employee share ownership programs.
Are company pension schemes old-fashioned and boring? Not at all! Read our article about one of the most important features of working life, and how to make it an attractive benefit.
Employee Participation Program A new look for the employee participation program of Wienerberger AG and the expansion of the program in additional countries. PROJECT AT A GLANCE Current status: October 2023 Customer:Wienerberger AG Industry: Construction materials and infrastructure solutions Company Headquarters:Austria Stock Exchange Listing:Vienna Stock Market Project Duration:July 2022 until now Project Range:15 countries Languages:Master in … Weiterlesen
Employee Participation Program Communication campaign for the first employee participation program of the Wienerberger Group PROJECT AT GLANCE Current status: October 2023 Customer:Wienerberger AG Industry: Construction materials and infrastructure solutions Company Headquarters:Austria Stock Exchange Listing:Vienna Stock Market Project duration:July 2022 to 2023 Project Range:25 countries Languages:Master in German and English, translation in 18 additional languages Voriger … Weiterlesen
Just a trend or here to stay? What Quiet Quitting means, why it happens, and how to prevent it.
Uniquely communicative. The chameleon perfectly embodies Unequity’s Comp&Ben project approach and working style.